Archive for April, 2017

April 24 – 28


Monday:  Tsunami Lesson on Google Classroom, Complete the questions using the videos Tuesday:  Vocabulary (Due Friday, May 5) and Japan notes (Due Friday, April 28) Wednesday and Thursday:  North and South Korea Guided Reading Notes Friday:  Start North Korea documentary and questions

South Asia Extra Credit


EXTRA CREDIT FOR SOUTH ASIA TEST, DUE FRIDAY MAY 5: Complete an ESPN for 10 points per article Use the following template to complete the extra credit….MAKE A COPY AND THEN SHARE IT WITH ME Each article will need to cover one (or more) of the following countries (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, […]

April 18-21


Tuesday:  Finish Confucianism/Taoism chart with and the following videos. China and Confucianism Taoism Wednesday and Thursday:  Interactive China Notes (Google classroom assignment DUE THURSDAY BY MIDNIGHT) Friday:  Japanese Land Use notes

April 10 – 13


Monday:  South Asia Test Tuesday:  East Asia Physical map Wednesday:  Intro to East Asia notes and China’s One Child Policy Intro to East Asia is from class resources, so you will just need to get those notes from someone that was there This is the power point we will be using:  One Child Policy Thursday:  Confucianism […]

South Asia Test Review


Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:  Use the following review to help study for the upcoming test on Monday, April 10. South Asia Review


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