Latin America Project
You will be “teaching” the class the PERSIAN(E) characteristics of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, or South America. The following document contains the project guidelines: Latin America Project
You will be “teaching” the class the PERSIAN(E) characteristics of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, or South America. The following document contains the project guidelines: Latin America Project
Chapter 6: Canada Quiz
Chapter 7, 8, 9: 24 words due Friday November 4 land bridge seismic vertical climate zone mestizo conquistador cash crop outsourcing maquiladora deforestation land subsidence isthmus archipelago biodiversity dialect matriarchal latifundia minifundia sedimentation reforestation brain drain cordillera llanos escarpment pampas
Complete the following guided notes by following the power point and online resources. Chapter 6: Canada
Complete the following extra credit worksheets for a total of 16 points. Each sheet is worth 2 points. Chapter 3 Chapter 4 DUE Monday October 17
We will be starting a project for the study o f the United States. You will be researching the history of the immigration within the United States. We will focus on answering the question: How did physical and human systems effect the immigration experience to the United States of America? Immigration Experience Project […]
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