Archive for September, 2016

Chapter 5&6 Vocabulary


Tributary Headwaters Divide Fall line Hurricane Underground railroad Dry farming Manufacturing belt Sunbelt Megalopolis Jazz Postindustrial Foreclosure Clear-cutting Acid rain Smog Eutrophication Aqueduct Petrochemical Agribusiness Escarpment Norther Maquiladora Metropolitan area Mission Empresario Secede Reservation Diversification Timberline Chinook Tar sands Overfishing Aquaculture Inuit First Nations Dominion Quebecois Separatism Loyalist Emigrate Old-growth forest   DUE MONDAY, OCTOBER […]

Chapter 3 & 4 Information


Kahoot Review Chapter 3 & 4 Review  

Friday, 9/16


All worksheets are on my desk.  You will use the World Climates map on page 10 to complete the 9 questions on the World climate worksheet   You will use the World biomes map on page 70 to complete the 10 questions on the World Ecosystems/Biomes worksheet.  ***Ecosystems and Biomes are referring to the same […]

Chapter 1 & 2 Extra Credit


The following extra credit is to help boost your test grade.  It is due Monday, September 26. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Vocab Activity Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Vocab Activity   ***You will need to print these off and complete them using the textbook.  These will be 4 points a piece for a total of 16 […]

Chapter 3 and 4 Vocabulary


Chapter 3: weather climate greenhouse effect current prevailing wind doldrums El Nino windward leeward rain shadow biome coniferous deciduous permafrost   Chapter 4 culture ethnic group culture region cultural diffusion culture hearth globalization birthrate deathrate migration population pyramid population density unitary system federal system autocracy monarchy oligarchy theocracy democracy natural boundary traditional economy market economy […]

Wednesday, September 7


***On youtube, you will research weathering and erosion. *** You must have at least 2 videos between 4 – 10 minutes *** You will watch each video and write 6 questions and answers on each video ***  Topics you need to look for: chemical/physical weathering, mechanical weathering, water erosion, wind erosion, glacial erosion, how it […]

Foldable Directions


Elements of Geography Foldable 


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